HVAC SOFT, INC The company is a for-profit Oklahoma registered S-Corporation, founded in 2001 located at 516 NW 20th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73103 and corporate website of www.hvacsoft.com. The company has been the leading developer and provider of psychrometric analysis and chart software solutions in the world.
In 2024, the assets of Hands Down Software, Akton Associates, QwickLoad and AcousticCalc were sold to Carmel Software.
Today, HVAC SOFT, INC develops, markets and sells Commercial and Residential HVAC Load Calculation Software under the brand of Adtek Software. In addition, the company provides software and component development services.
The company is comprised of a single primary business unit:
HVAC SOFT, INC. Corporate Office
General Information: info@hvacsoft.com Telephone: Phone: (405) 821-1787 Postal Address: 516 NW 20th Oklahoma City, OK 73103 USA